Saturday, 17 July 2010

Tak tidur malam

Dua bulan pertama, well, lebih kurang la.. Abdurrahman tak tidur malam. Bulan pertama tu was the worst case scenario la. Bangun pukul 11pm, tidur pukul 3am. Bangun lagi pukul 5 sampai pukul 6. Sampai Umi dan Abi terpaksa bergilir berjaga malam. Tapi most of the time Umi la tukang gendongnya. Dah, Umi je yang ada susu nak bagi kat Abdurrahman. Eheh..

Ini gambar yang Umi ambil waktu tengah malam tu la. Mata cerah. Tapi bila tiba waktu siang, Abdurrahman pun mula lah layu. Tidur lena sampai menangis nak susu pun tak buka mata. Menyusu pun pejam mata. Bila Umi nak burp kan, kepala terlentok sebab dah lena. Mata putih-putih mengantuk.

Resultnya, Umi dan Abi jadi monster sebab bengkak mata. Badan pun turun pasal kurang tidur. Yang first tu tak best, tapi bab kurus sikit tu yang best sekali. Sampai sekarang dah 4 bulan lebih, Umi and Abi still kurang tidur. Tapi alhamdulillah Abdurrahman dah tidur normal macam orang lain. :)

Friday, 25 June 2010

Kambing 2 Ekor

Anak lelaki aqiqah kamibng 2 ekor. So, Pak Long was the one who managed to get the sheeps for you. Look at how beautiful the sheep was. Yang satu lagi pun cantik. Putihhh sangat with very clean fur. Umi tak pi tengok kat ladang. Umi just tengok gambar yang Abi and Pak Long snapped.

Untuk kenduri tu, satu buat masak kari to be eaten with rice. Satu lagi buat kambing golek. This one is special. I don't think people have done that before. I had the idea to make kambing golek since Abi was too obsessed with the idea of having Arab themes. Well, the Arabs like to eat grilled lamb. In fact, our beloved Prophet s.a.w. did love to eat roasted lamb.

I could only have a bite. Truly it was delicious! Nanti kita buat lagi yer.. Wait until you can eat, insya Allah! :)

Thursday, 24 June 2010


On the 7th day we had you shaved. Mula-mula Umi yang start cukur. And then Wan sambung. And then Wan and I gilir-gilir cukur. Sakit-sakit pinggang bongkok on Wan's high bed. It was easy because you're sleeping like anything. Your head was too soft. Atuk nak cukur at first but then he said he couldn't do it coz he's eyes are not as good as before. Tengok kepala tu merah lagi. Your skull haven't completely joined yet, the doctor said. It's normal for babies to have their skull completely being joined while they are growing up.

Masa ni Umi tak berani lagi nak mandikan Abdurrahman. After the shaving process, Wan yang mandikan your cute lil' body. Umi tengok semuanya kecik-kecik, so halus and lembut.. Nanti dah besar sikit Umi mandikan yer.. Ehe..

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

1st month story

Umi nak cerita banyak-banyak tak boleh sebab masa terhad. So, what I can do is that I'll put pictures of you and others yang nak diceritakan. Then, few captions. After that, if you're interested, you can ask me further. Or maybe Abi too. Well, he's there right from the very beginning. OK, dear?

Aha, and that is you while you're in the first week of your life in this world. Kuat menguap..kuat tidur. Well, maybe because you happened to be jaundice at that time. Lama tau Abdurrahman kuning, we when to the hospital several times because of this prolonged jaundice. In fact, you stayed in Kuantan Medical Center- admitted in the nursery- when you're just 3 days old! And you were there for five days. We had to bring you home for the aqiqah.

Next post will be your aqiqah story, ok? :)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Marhaban bikum Ya Bunayya!

This blog is dedicated to you, my dear baby. While you're not able to jot down anything, let me put all my thoughts and significant things that happened around you so that you can learn your history and be much much better person in the future.

Yes, you're crying when you came to us. But we're smiling in great joy and gratitude. Alhamdulillah, dear.. we have been waiting for you for so long. And now that you're here, I am praying to Allah that He help us to mould you into great person that will benefit human kind. Yes, Abi and Umi are so grateful to Allah that we will let you live your life according to what Allah and His Rasul wants. You hear that, baby? According to Qur'an and Sunnah, off course. :) No options on that. Hehe..

That's it for now. Pause.