Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Chicken Pox a.k.a. Demam Campak

Abdurrahman jebik nak tunjuk kat atas bibir pun ada campak.. syafakallah!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012, Abdurrahman is down with chicken pox. Though he loves chicken, it doesn't mean that he likes chicken pox as well. It started in his thigh area, up to his chest, up to his face, down to the belly, up again to his head. And right now Umi is patiently waiting for the spots to appear down on his legs and feet. If it does appear, then insya Allah it will starts to heal and the spots will disappear the way it came.

Alhamdulillah, Abdurrahman has not been affected by fever although in Malay in says Demam (Fever) Campak. Maybe because a day before that, he had a very bad allergic, i.e. gligata or lapar garam or kelopak garam (that's how the Malays call it ). At that time, his body temperature (or should Umi said head temperature, coz' only the head was hot) went up. Umi gave him PCM syrup as usual 5ml. Then alhamdulillah, it's gone.. but here came the chicken pox.

Abdurrahman has the regular symptom of chicken pox like the red ferrari  spots, and diarrhea.

His treatment for chicken pox? Rash cream, coconut water and lots of selawat syifa'.

Menu? Plain water, steamed/boiled food, totally no goreng-goreng, no kicap (FYI, Abdurrahman is HANTU KICAP), and no egg!

Bath? As usual, but no soap, please.

OK, that's the update for today. Be tough, Abang! Err, no school for Abdurrahman until he is totally cured. That means no school for Umi too? Hmm...(Do Umi jump happily or cry silently?) UWAAA!! Umi has Chapter One to send in, insya Allah.. hasbiAllahu wa nikmal wakeel!

Fi amaanillah!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Abdurrahman, tengok ni sahabat imam enta!

Umi doakan Abdurrahman akan berdiri sebagai imam juga macam sahabat enta ni. Amin ya Rabb!