Saturday, 28 April 2012

Happy Birthday, Asma'!

Asma' lahir setahun yang lalu di Pusat Perubatan Kohilal di Taman Melawati, Selangor. Tepat jam 12 tgh malam, Umi masuk bilik pembedahan. Tu pun lepas seharian Umi tunggu.. heheh.. Asma' kecik sangat. Berpusing-pusing dalam perut. Lepas tu Asma' tak turun-turun sebab terlekat kat tepi, sebelah kanan rahim Umi. Aduhai.. Jadi Doktor Marsita yang baik hati pun kata, nak bedah tak? :)

Alhamdulillah, Asma' selamat lahir.. kecik sangat tapinya. 2.3kg. Sekarang ni dah 8.5kg. Alhamdulillah. So, 3hb Jamadil Akhir baru ni, Umi masak spaghetti oleo dan buat jelly hantar kat Taska Asma'. Ustaz Muntasar bacakan bacaan Maulid dan doa.  

Umi doakan Asma' sihat selalu, membesar sebagai anak yang solehah dan bijak sebagai 'alimah wal haafizah. Umi doakan Asma' dilapangkan rezeki dan dimudahkan urusan dunia akhirat. Umi doakan Asma' will be outstanding in your performance fid dunya wal aakhirah! (pinjam doa Dr. Marsita) 

So, ni Umi nak share resepi spaghetti oleo Umi yang femes nih. Resepi ni Umi belajar dari Maksu Noni. Ala, diakan stewardess, makan pun yang kelas-kelas gitu. Umi belajar masak hands on tengok dia masak. Tapi Umi alter ikut apa yang ada. Heheh.. Favourite Abi ni, tau. Untuk Abdurrahman dan Asma' Umi tak letak cili. Nanti dah besar, Asma' pulak masak untuk Umi ya, sayang. 

Mula-mula, kita perlukan:

Bawang besar dan bawang putih.. chop chop..
Cili capsicum hijau, kuning (dan merah kalau ada), tomato, dan timun jepun. Semua dadukan kecik-kecik.
Spahetti..rebus dulu aa..
Herbs untuk pasta (kalau ada oregano je pun dah cukup), chilly flakes, dan kiub ayam.
Tadaaa!! Dah siap!
Alaa.. lepas tumis bawang, buh herbs and chilly flakes. Masuk kiub ayam and garam. Campak udang and sotong. Campak capsicum and timun. Campak spaghetti. Kacau kacau kacau.. last sekali baru buh tomato.. Kalau buh awal hancur nanti. 

Jangan lupa bismillah and selawat waktu mula nak masak ya, Asma'. 

Ni jelly buah-buahan.. Sedap jugak.. kott... :)

Ok.. nanti Umi share lagi resepi yang keluarga kita suka. 

Ya Allah, kurniakan kami nikmat yang berkat agar kami bahagia dunia akhirat, amin. 

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Daily story..

Abdurrahman's first school work brought back home. 

From BBIM to Tahfiz al Masri. Cheerful and playful. 

But most of the time it was like this.. heheh.. Abdurrahman falls asleep right before a corner to Tahfiz al  Masri. Hmm.. cian anak Umi, letih ya Abang?  

Umi cannot leave both of them alone now since Abdurrahman knows his way into Asma's playpen. Looking at Umi grabbing her phone, Abdurrahman quickly grabs Asma's head to pose for Umi. :D 

"Wahai Tuhanku! Jadikanlah daku orang yang mendirikan sembahyang dan demikianlah juga zuriat keturunanku. Wahai Tuhan kami, perkenankanlah doa permohonanku. Wahai Tuhan kami! Berilah ampun bagiku dan bagi kedua ibu bapaku serta bagi orang-orang yang beriman, pada masa berlakunya hitungan amal dan pembalasan".

-surah Ibrahim: 40-41  

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

English or Arabic?

Yesterday was Abdurrahman's first day at his playschool. Yup! He is now a registered kiddy at Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori. We signed him up at Wangsa Maju branch. It's very costly. And the place is quite far from home. So to get him there at 8:00a.m and to fetch him at 12:00 noon will be Ummi's additional chores from now on. Hehee.. But Ummi really hope that the Islamic Montessori method will payoff in short period of time. 

After 12, Ummi will send Abdurrahman straight to Tahfiz Darul Masri where Asma' is already there. They will be under Mama Iman's care until 5:00p.m. Hmm, lots of place to be in one whole day, eh, Abdurrahman? Well, I guess it's quite tiring for him too, but in one or two weeks, Ummi hope Abdurrahman will get use to it. 

BBIM is conducting their playschool using 100% English medium. While in Tahfiz Masri, Abdurrahman gets his Arabic language course from 3 Arabic teachers who speaks very little Malay. Thus, I can say a 100% Arabic medium as well. Will he be confused? Well, according to the research, NO! Interesting, eh? Here is what they say: 
Rather than causing any difficulties, learning two languages 
at once may confer cognitive advantages to babies, 
including not just special auditory sensitivity, 
but enhanced visual sensitivity as well.

Another said:
Studies have shown that kids who grow up with two 
languages are better at certain tests of 
"executive function" — a crucial skill that allows us to 
pay attention, focus, plan, and decide.

Ummi is not worried either. Since Ummi has done her research waaay back then! Yeay! Hurray for Ummi! :D

Above all, Ummi always du'a for both Abudrrahman and Asma'. 
"Allahumma faqqih huma fid deen, wa 'allim huma bi takwil, Amin Ya Rabb!"

1. What Bilingual Babies Reveal About the Brain: Q&A with Psychologist Janet Werker
2. Raising Bilingual Kids: Does foreign language learning promote child development?